

Four CEPS seniors are laying the groundwork for a sustainable aquaponic system in a community in 哥斯达黎加.

Four engineering seniors recently laid the groundwork for a sustainable aquaponics system expected to produce fresh vegetables and fish for a community in 哥斯达黎加, 以及绿洲计划成员Siddharth Nigam, 佩奇Balcom, Will Tavares and Allison Wood hope the system they designed in the classroom will serve as a model for communities across the globe.

“This design can be used to produce food more efficiently than traditional growing methods,尼加姆说。, 在乌维塔待了一周的人, 哥斯达黎加, 寒假期间和同学们在一起. “It’s especially useful in land- or water-scarce urban environments and in rural communities without the means to produce or access food.”

水培系统结合了鱼类和植物的生长,没有土壤. 目前,系统要么是昂贵的,要么是更小的,自己动手设计的. The group is applying engineering principles they learned at 主要研究 to make the system more affordable and sustainable. 在Uvita, 蔬菜太贵了,当地居民买不起, 而且土壤太贫瘠,无法种植粮食.


“Our family-sized aquaponic systems will hopefully help the locals get a reliable and sustainable source of vegetables,Nigam解释道. “此外,这将为他们提供罗非鱼的蛋白质来源.”

在初次访问期间, students took measurements to determine the size and shape of the system and explored the viability of energy and water sources. 这包括采集多个水样进行测试. Nigam, Balcom and Tavares are mechanical engineers, and Wood is an environmental engineer.

根据他们的观察, they formed an action plan for a return trip in June to begin implementation of the system. 该组织还与Forjando Alas进行了协调, a local afterschool program for at-risk children of the Bahía Ballena community in Uvita. The program provides a safe space for kids to learn life skills and gain enrichment through art and environmental education.


“I loved meeting the people, especially the kids at Forjando Alas,” she says. “每个人都很友好、热情,对这个项目很兴奋.”

Balcom recalls an 11-year-old boy telling her that he loved eating tomatoes. She told him that he would be able to grow his own tomatoes and eat them fresh off the plant.

“他的脸上绽放出灿烂的笑容,”她说. “It was really rewarding to see how we can apply our engineering knowledge to make a difference in people’s lives.”


Meet the Project Oasis team at the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Symposium on April 20, 2016, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. 在惠特莫尔中心体育馆.

Part of the funding for the project was provided through Project Oasis’s third-place finish in the student category at the 主要研究 社会创业创新挑战, 得到了联合国大学海洋工程项目的额外资助, 一个来自埃默利蒂理事会的拨款和一个班级项目.

这个项目的想法起源于学生们大一的时候, 后来他们联系上了Forjando Alas.   

“We wanted to do our senior design project on something that would impact developing nations,尼甘说。. “Learning to navigate a new culture while following a constrained timeline provided challenges, 但它们也是有价值的经历.”

Nigam said more than a dozen 主要研究 juniors are interested in continuing the project during the following school year to ensure its long-term viability.



绿洲项目正在与 生命科学与农业学院 (COLSA)和 新罕布什尔州农业实验站 (nha). The students are receiving mentorship from COLSA faculty members Todd Guerdat and Andrew Ogden, and constructing their aquaponics project in the NHAES’s Macfarlane 研究 Greenhouses.